Monday, 16 July 2012


sometimes,some people just don't have any common sense.
when a girl just fell down,and then she tried her best to stand up again.
joke around and laugh a bit because of her failure
and of course,because she's a girl.
she might cry,
complaining this and that.
but she's trying alone to stand up,
without even asking anyone to help her.

and towards someone like that,
not even offers any help,
you stand around her,
and make fun of her,
laugh at her,
saying how stupid she is,
saying that she just can't never stand up again.

she's not asking anyone to feel sorry for her,
but if you're not gonna give any help,
just shut up,and walk away.

congratulation!*clap clap clap*
you really know how to pour salt on someone's wound!
keep on trolling and have fun!

"you're my friends...
how could you do this to me...."

key off~~

READ MORE- Congratulation.....

untold loging

Sometimes, I put my hand on my chest,and said,

"Hey heart...are you ok today?How you holding up?do you really exist here?..or have you broken into pieces,and scattered by the cruel life's wind?'......

when i feel their beat,I know it's still there.....mybe still loging for you...but

Too late...everything has changed now....

key off~~

even I love you,
you'll never see it,

READ MORE- untold loging

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Lindungilah Keluargaku Ya ALLAH

Semoga tiada apa-apa yang terjadi..Ya Allah, lindungilah dan peliharalah keluarga ku dari bencana dan kesakitan.. Aku menyerahkan segalanya pada-MU Ya Allah..

Hanya pada-MU ku layak meminta dan memohon..bantulah hamba-MU ini Ya Rabb.

Lindungilah keluargaku dari segala bencana dan fitnah Ya Rabb. Sesungguhnya hanya Engkau Yang Maha Mengetahui segala rahsia di langit dan bumi.




"kerana sesunggguhnya aku telah berserah diri kepada Allah,Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu! Tiada sesuatu dari makhluk-makhluk yang bergerak dimuka bumi melainkan Allah jualah yang menguasainya,Sesungguhnya Tuhanku tetap diatas jalan yang benar" surah Hud (56)

READ MORE- Lindungilah Keluargaku Ya ALLAH


Dah ok..makanya saya boleh merepek-meraban disini lagi....^^

Names as given
READ MORE- Yeppi...